Generac BERG Logo System

Identity Design

In-house Project

A Business Employee Resource Group (BERG) refers to a program that helps employees connect with others who share a similar passion or are part of a specific community.

Generac has 7 BERGs: Professional Woman’s Resource (PWR), Pride, Emerging Leader’s, African American, Mental Health & Ability, Hispanic/Latino, and Military. The amount of BERGs was growing so I was tasked with creating logos for each BERG, alongside Joel Hermanson.

We brainstormed and conceptualized the logos from start to finish. It was important for us to meet with each BERG along the way and talk through what was important to them and what imagery would be meaningful for a logo.

Below is the logo system that I created that is being used company-wide in various graphic applications.

Early Concepts

Final Logo Lockups

Final Icons

Graphic Applications

Logo Lockup Stickers

Icon Stickers

Printed Graphics